• धार्मिक कार्य | |
religious: सन्यासी सन्यासिनी | |
affairs: कामकाज कारोबार | |
religious affairs meaning in Hindi
religious affairs sentence in HindiExamples
- This can be done. One recent example: In May, the Turkish religious authorities ruled - completely contrary to Islamic custom - to permit women to pray next to men and to attend mosque services while menstruating. The High Religious Affairs Board decided this on the (distinctly modern) basis that men and women are “equal and complementary beings.” Next month, this same board takes up the extremely delicate topic of permitting Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, when it will perhaps again rule against centuries of practice.
यद्यपि मेरा उत्तर यह है कि इस्लाम आज जो कुछ है या बीते कल में जो कुछ रहा हो इसका कोई अर्थ नहीं है और यह आने वाले कल में कुछ अलग होगा। धर्म को आधुनिकता को अपनाना ही पड्ता है । - Mehmet Görmez, a senior lecturer in hadith at Ankara University and the vice-president of religious affairs, heads the “Hadith Project.” Mehmet Görmez , a senior lecturer in hadith at Ankara University and the vice-president of religious affairs, adds that the purpose is a scholarly one, to understand the hadith better: “We will make a new compilation of the hadith and re-interpret them if necessary.” More broadly, Görmez explains, “The project takes its inspiration from the interpretations of the modernist vein of Islam. … We want to bring out the positive side of Islam that promotes personal honor, human rights, justice, morality, women's rights, respect for the other.”
इसके अस्वाभाविक धार्मिक विभाग के मंत्रालय जिसे प्रेसीडेंसी आफ रिलीजस अफेयर्स एंड द रिलीजस चैरिटेबल फाउण्डेशन के नाम से जाना जाता है उसने तीन वर्ष का “ हदीथ प्रकल्प” अपने जिम्मे लिया है जिसके अंतर्गत 1,62,000 हदीथ रिपोर्टों का पुनरावलोकन किया जायेगा और उन्हें संक्षिप्त कर 10,000 कर दिया जायेगा ताकि वास्तविक इस्लाम को चौदह शताब्दियों के विकास से अलग किया जा सके। - Mehmet Görmez, a senior lecturer in hadith at Ankara University and the vice-president of religious affairs, heads the “Hadith Project.” Mehmet Görmez , a senior lecturer in hadith at Ankara University and the vice-president of religious affairs, adds that the purpose is a scholarly one, to understand the hadith better: “We will make a new compilation of the hadith and re-interpret them if necessary.” More broadly, Görmez explains, “The project takes its inspiration from the interpretations of the modernist vein of Islam. … We want to bring out the positive side of Islam that promotes personal honor, human rights, justice, morality, women's rights, respect for the other.”
इसके अस्वाभाविक धार्मिक विभाग के मंत्रालय जिसे प्रेसीडेंसी आफ रिलीजस अफेयर्स एंड द रिलीजस चैरिटेबल फाउण्डेशन के नाम से जाना जाता है उसने तीन वर्ष का “ हदीथ प्रकल्प” अपने जिम्मे लिया है जिसके अंतर्गत 1,62,000 हदीथ रिपोर्टों का पुनरावलोकन किया जायेगा और उन्हें संक्षिप्त कर 10,000 कर दिया जायेगा ताकि वास्तविक इस्लाम को चौदह शताब्दियों के विकास से अलग किया जा सके। - Most of the uproar against the honor is taking place in Pakistan, as it did in 1988, when Sir Salman's novel, The Satanic Verses , was initially published. “We deplore the decision of the British government to knight him,” a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said The lower house of parliament unanimously passed a government-backed resolution calling Rushdie a “blasphemer.” Most extraordinarily, Pakistan's minister of religious affairs, Mohammed Ijaz ul-Haq, endorsed suicide bombing against the United Kingdom. “If someone exploded a bomb on his body, he would be right to do so unless the British government apologizes and withdraws the ‘sir' title.” Ijaz ul-Haq later added that “If someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honor of the Prophet Muhammad, his act is justified.”
जैसा कि आब्जर्बर के स्तम्भकार निक कोहेन ने लिखा है कि 60 वर्षीय सलमान रशदी को ब्रिटेन की महारानी द्वारा 16 जून को नाइटहुड की उपाधि दिया जाना ब्रिटेन के मुसलमानों के प्रति बदलते व्यवहार का प्रतीक है ? या फिर इस्लामवाद के विशेषज्ञ सदानन्द ड्यूम ने जैसा वाल स्ट्रीट जर्नल में कहा है कि “यह ब्रिटिश आधार स्वागतयोग्य उदाहरण है ''। - Jan. 31, 2013 update : After a long silence, the Diyanet announced that Islam with the Hadiths of the Prophet , a seven-volume encyclopedia to be bound in green, has been completed . May 22, 2013 update : The tomes will be available in the month of Ramadan, or early July, after six years of work, twice what was anticipated. According to a Reuters report: its 100 authors have selected a few hundred of the about 17,000 reported quotes from Mohammad to examine Islamic views on God, faith and life in terms that the average modern Turk can understand. “We don't live in the 20 th century anymore,” said Mehmet Ozafsar, director of the project and vice-president of Ankara's Religious Affairs Directorate, or Diyanet, a state agency. “We needed a new work with Islamic beliefs in the perspective of today's culture.”
अन्य पर्यवेक्षक कुछ सशंकित हैं। हशीम हाशिमी जो कि एक पूर्व सांसद हैं मानते हैं “ इस्लाम के सम्बन्ध में स्थापित विचार हैं और किस प्रकार इसे व्यवहार में लाया जाना चाहिये यह 1400 वर्षों से व्यवहार में है। और आने वाले समय में शीघ्र इसमें परिवर्तन सम्भव नहीं है”। यहाँ तक कि मंत्रालय के प्रमुख अली बरदाको ग्लू ने भी माना है कि “ हम इस्लाम का सुधार नहीं कर रहे हैं वरन अपने को सुधार रहे हैं”।